What Forklifts Won't Do: Fuel Tanks

Hey there, Petrol folks!

Have you ever needed to place a fuel tank into the ground? What are you using for the job? That’s right! A crane!

A telehandler (telescopic boom forklift) just ain’t gonna cut it. Here are 4 reasons why:


Safety is our number one policy. And forklifts are not designed to lower objects into a hole. They’re “lift only” type tools. Dropping a gas tank is the last thing you want to deal with today.


Telehandlers are not designed for precise movement. Think “lift a pallet onto a platform,” not “precise placement of a heavy tank in a hole.” Gas tanks need a delicate touch - cranes have got it!


Rigging is one of the most important parts of job setup. Forklifts do not have the outrigging support necessary for the types of horizontal movement necessary in a gas tank placement job. Thought dropping a gas tank was bad? Try flipping a forklift and dropping a gas tank at the same time! That’s not something we want to be dealing with.


It is important to be very careful with gas tanks. No bumps or bruises! We don’t want any leaks or other risks from damage incurred in the lifting process. You don’t want to be lifting a gas tank with a forklift. They’re not ready to handle that type of bulk with the appropriate gentleness.

Get a Crane

Cranes are a perfect fit for many petroleum jobs. We excel at tank movement and placement wherever you need it! Precision. Safety. Support. Gentleness. That’s the name of the game!

Telehandlers can be a great fit for lots of jobs! This just ain’t one of them.

As some folks like to say: that ship won’t fly!

We are happy to help with all things crane!